Saturday, January 28, 2012


Rob and I finally made use of our free teacher passes to Legoland on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We had no idea what to expect but we decided we would just go to see what all the craze is about. When we got inside the park it was nice with all the lego sculptures mixed in with nature. We did not do many of the rides because Rob's arm is still recovering. So we did a few rides but mainly looked at all the different things in the park. The roller coasters looked cool and the rides we did were fairly descent. Rob loved the one where you got to drive a boat. We saw two shows. One was a movie where the Lego people did not speak English which was strange. The other show was a water ski show which was nice. I really enjoyed the Mini Land USA. This was where they picked cities around America and made mint replicas out of Legos. It was a cool site to see. The park was not as packed as we thought it would be considering it was a holiday, we were not complaining though. It was nice to explore the portion of the park that was reserved to honor Cypress Gardens. It reminded me a lot of Bok Towers. When all was said and done we could see why kids would love the park but where we are in our lives we don't think we would pay for a day pass. So thank goodness we have our free passes and then we can wait to go when we have kids.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


It is the third Sunday of 2012 and everything seems to be running smoothly. Rob and I started back at school and the days jeep flying by. With the Florida Writing test six weeks away I have volunteered to help tutor about eight students every Saturday for the next six weeks. Rob has been busy with his Special Olympics athletes as they get ready to compete in track and field. This week they are going to an Orlando Magic game for free!I am a little jealous but Rob bought us ickets to go see a game together, he is so sweet.
So tomorrow there is no school because it is MLK Jr. Day! We are going to Legoland for e first time. We are excited because we have heard good things about it. At our home life is going well and we are taking this New Year day by day.
I leave you with a smile:)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The New Year

Happy New Year! I am sad to see 2011 go because it was filled with so many wonderful things! First I had a great internship followed by graduation with my elementary education degree. Then I married my sweet honey followed ny a great honeymoon in St. Lucia. After the honeymoon we got settled into our apartment and new life. Finally I landed a teaching job at the schooled I interned in. I have learned much about teaching and look forward to the second part of the school year. The last part of the year I spent making holiday traditions with my man. It will be hard but I hope 2012 was just as amazing as 2011. Ma your year be filled with joy, love, peace, and laughter!
I leave you with a :)

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Reflection

Well, Christmas has come and gone. It was my first Christmas with my husband and it was special. We spent Christmas Eve with his family and got in the car around 8 pm to head to our little one bedroom apartment. Rob was a little sick, but he started to feel better around 11. We started some traditions like opening one present on Christmas Eve, opening stockings Christmas morning, having homemade cinnamon rolls, and then opening the rest of the presents. It was a great Christmas morning and I look forward to many more. Rob did a great job and I was completely surprised by what he got me. I got him some FSU stuff which made his day! After we opened presents and ate some yummy cinnamon rolls we loaded the car and headed to church.
It was so nice to see all the families at church and it made me excited for us to one day have our own little family on Christmas. Pastor Bob gave a great salvation sermon which reminded us because we are failed humans beings Christ was born. We were able to catch up with some dear professors we had in college and unfortunately don't see much of anymore. After church we hit the road to go spend the rest of Christmas with my family. We stopped to see my Grandma and then went to my mom's house for Christmas dinner.
Wow, were we blessed when we got there. It is good visiting Rob's family, but I always love going to my mom's. This Christmas will hold a very special place in my heart, not necessarily because of the gifts, but because of the time spent with my husband for our very first Christmas. I hope your Christmas was just as special as mine was. Even though this is all great I must keep Jesus in the center, because we set this time aside to honor His humble birth.
Now I will enjoy my last few days of vacation and my last few days of the year 2011 which brought so much goodness to me and my hubby!

I leave you with a smile:)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

First Post

I am new to this whole blog thing. Since the New Year is quickly approaching I have decided to take this on as a new project. Before I get personal with any more blogs I want to let you get to know me a bit better. Here are 10 things to know about me:

1. I am a Christian.

2. I am in love with my husband, Robert.

3. Being a teacher is a life long dream of mine finally a reality.

4. My family is small, but they are my everything.

6. I am very determined and thrive off of goals.

7. At heart I am a complete girly girl (if you couldn't tell).

8. Shopping and sweets are my weaknesses.

9. I have a hard time trusting, but God is working on me.

10. I analyze everything, but still live passionately.

I hope you will find what I have to say interesting, insightful, and sometimes amusing!

I leave you with a Smile:)